ArbeiT: The Team

On Stage

Roman Müller (CH), juggler, object designer, performer

graduates of the Scuola Teatro Dimitri (CH) in 1999 and works subsequently for several international companies and productions. As a co-founder of Tr’espace and the Kollektiv inStallation he pursues his own vision of circus and object manipulation. Has been performing in 25 countries spread over 5 continents and is awardee of numerous internationally renowned prizes. oHe teaches Scenic foundation of object manipulation at different circus schools as ESAC (École supérieure des Arts du Cirque) in Brussels, ACaPA (Fontys Academy for Circus and Performing Art) in Tilburg (NL) and others.

Eve Anouk Jebejian (CH), pianist

plays the piano for as long as she can remember. Educated at the conservatories of Genève, La-Chaux-de-Fonds, Vienna and Montréal, she earns her degree as a soloist at the conservatory of Lausanne. She has been taught and inspired by Gilles Manny, Catherine Courvoisier and Brigitte Meyer, but also by Marc Durand, Avo Kuyumdjian or François-René Duchâble. She holds several diplomas with distinction and is winner of numerous musical contests. As a soloist as well as with orchestra and chamber orchestra she performs on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

Philippe Deutsch (FR), technician on stage, graphical design, photos

There are various excursions as performer or technician with circus companies like Archaos, Cie Malabar or Cirque Baroque. In the 80ties, Philippe was one of Paris’ first Graffiti artists. Since then, he has been following this vocation as visual artist, photographer and visual performer. For companies, Philippe creates the complete communication design of print and web media, including video + dvd production and photography. With his sense and knowledge about lights and atmosphere he sometimes creates the light design on stage for dance productions. Exhibitions on festivals and galeries present Philppe’s art work. On the stage of ArbeiT Philippe performs the silent technician oiling the gears in the back. Or better said : he controls the operating system. Philippe also creates the communication design for ArbeiT.

The team

Concept : idea, performer.Roman Müller
Pianist : Eve-Anouk Jebejian
Shadow technician on stage : Philippe Deutsch
Outside eye : Jani Nuutinen
Consultant on dramaturgy Anne Hirth
Light design :Phillippe Deutsch
Conception of the Mobilé
: Mädir Rigolo
Conception of mechanics and machines
: Roman Müller
Set design
: Jani Nuutinen, Roman Müller
Julie Galanakis
Visual design
: Philippe Deutsch
Sound technician
: Pierre Guillerme
n :Ute Classen
Tourmanagement : ay-rOop (France) | Ute Classen (international)